sábado, 2 de enero de 2021


Final Task with PIXTON 

Having visited Luis Alberto’s blog and seen his post on Pixton, I have decided that my final task will be a comic strip using this tool.

In 4th class we have been working on daily routines, so I have decided that a fun task to do with them would be to create a comic of their daily routine. The steps that I would take are the following:

Step 1: Previous revision of daily routine vocabulary and the time.

Step 2: Presentation of Pixton.  To do this I would first show them an example (below) of a simple comic strip that I have made using Pixton ( EXAMPLE). We would then make a new one as a class to familiarise them with the tool.     

Step 3: Students prepare their own comic strip working in pairs.  The teacher would go around the class resolving any problems that the students encounter.

Step 4: Presentation of comics to class.

I would use a rubric to evaluate the students’ final production, as well as the process involved.

Having tried out this tool myself, I think that it’s a useful tool to enhance the teaching/learning process in the foreign language.  It also permits us to develop our students’ competences in a meaningful way.  I’m sure my students would enjoy creating their own comic strip!!

One drawback is that the free package quite limits your choices and, unless you pay, you cannot upload your own images (as in Storyjumper).

What I do like is the fact that you can create your class and students can access (with a code and a username) without the need for them to register with their personal details.

  Final Task with PIXTON  Having visited Luis Alberto’s blog and seen his post on Pixton , I have decided that my final task will be a comic...